Making a real difference

Welcome to RNV Nepal

A UK based Charity set up to help some of the disadvantaged people of Nepal mainly through promoting education in the Khokana district.

Registered Charity Number1197238

Our Background Story

Nepal is a beautiful country trapped between the tropical plains of Northern India and the icy desert land of Tibet. In spite of its natural beauty however, the country remains one of the least developed countries in the world. Nepal's economy is largely based upon agriculture and tourism, with a majority of its population engaged in subsistence farming. Sadly, Nepal faces many challenges due to its economical development.

One such challenge is in education, as such, the government of Nepal struggles to support its public services; the United Nations stating a 71% literacy rate for the Nepalese population. A critical shortage of teachers and educational infrastructure and resources are just some of the barriers faced by the Nepalese people.  As a consequence many people remain trapped in poverty

Since 2000, a relationship has developed between a Sheffield community and the people of Nepal.  It all started with a school trip, led by Keith Brook, with a group from Birkdale School aiming to explore Nepal and experience the wonderful Nepalese culture, led to a continuous relationship that has spanned two decades and formed RNV Nepal.

Over the years the groups visiting Nepal have raised funds, to support the education and welfare of people, particularly in the region of the southern region of Kathmandu, in the Kokhana community, a village area of Kathmandu.  Most years groups from the UK visit the community of Kokhana, and there the group spend time teaching in one of three schools; it has proved to be a life-changing experience for many of them. Through our fundraising activities the village now has a thriving and successful school called the Peace Garden English School; supported school infrastructure projects like new classrooms and supported the children, often with items we would take for granted, like reading glasses.

The growth of RNV Nepal stemmed from a school trip at Birkdale School, whose moto is 'Res Non Verba', Deeds Not Words, a fantastic aspiration to aim for and a good name for a charity RNV Nepal.

Keith Brook M.B.E
Keith Brook M.B.E
Peace Garden School 2009
Peace Garden School 2009
Helping with the dental checks
Helping with the dental checks
Boys at the window
Boys at the window
elephant shower
elephant shower


’We now have children who are teaching their parents simple things from cleanliness right up to how to do computer work. Parents come to school and see toilets and washing hands places and want them for themselves. The building of the school has helped the local tradesmen and labourers to prosper too. Even the tailor who makes the school uniform is happy’

Arjun, Headmaster at the Peace Garden English School

Seen here on a visit to the British Embassy

We are very grateful to you and your church family who supported our ministry work. Its a pleasure to share that the money we raised by selling the product made by leprosy affected people has been utilized to construct a "Training Hall" in the roof of our house. This room will be used to provide various income generating training's to the needy people(Specially Leprosy affected people).

Bikash Pariyar, Former pupil of the Peace Garden School

Seen here supporting the education of children in the Leprosy Colony